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    This will make sure we ask the right questions. Please fill the required fields.

    Medical History

    Please fill the required fields. YesNo Please fill the required fields. Do you have any of the following medical problems? YesNo Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.

    Biological Male

    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.

    Biological Female

    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.

    Emotional and Physical Distress

    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.

    Bloodwork: Have you had any of these tests done in the past 6 months?

    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.


    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. YesNoUnknown Please fill the required fields.

    Hair Loss Stage

    Overall Thinning I II II-A III III-A III-vertex IV IV-A V V-A VI VII Completely Bald Head
    Please select the hair loss stage which best describes your current hair loss pattern.
    Overall Thinning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Completely Bald Head
    Please select the hair loss stage which best describes your current hair loss pattern.

    Conditions of Hair and Scalp

    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.

    Hair Loss History:

    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.

    Shampoo habits

    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.

    Heredity Information

    Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields. Please fill the required fields.

    What other options have you utilized to help with your hair loss?

    Please fill the required fields.
    YesNo Please fill the required fields.
    YesNo Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.
    Please fill the required fields.


    We do not agree to work with everyone because not everyone is a viable candidate to regrow lost hair. To determine if you are a good candidate, let us know your answer to the following:

    If a plan existed that would reverse your hair loss and grow more hair, which outcome would meet your expectations and make you happy?

    Please fill the required fields.

    Contact info

    1000 Type your full name to sign. ATTENTION: Before you submit, please add [email protected] to your contacts and/or whitelist to ensure you never miss an email from us.
    Thank you for your submission. Please wait while your customized report is generated.