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Protocol Usage Guidelines


Below are the time frames required before a money-back guarantee can be issued.

Remember, getting hair to regrow is not easy…no matter what anyone tells you. There is no quick fix or magic solution for everyone because each person has unique contributing factors. Excellent hair growth takes time, patience and most of all, protocol consistency. Typically, our clients begin to see big improvements to their hair within the first 12 weeks of consistent protocol use.

Depending on the cause/s of the hair loss and how long it has been occurring, it may take up to six months to see visible results for those with advanced hair loss. There is a lot to accomplish…You must identify your contributing hair loss factors and effectively combat each of them consistently and you must give the protocol time to reverse a hair loss phase and BEGIN a new hair growth phase. We cannot do any of that if health conditions are ignored or remain untreated.

  • If you are recommended to see a physician, please do so as soon as possible!
  • Ensuring all bloodwork is within a normal range is key to good hair growth.
  • If bloodwork results are poor and remain poor, new hair growth will be poor as well.

Please be patient and stay the course!

If your report indicates we will guarantee your hair growth results, you must take before photos using our Progress Photos tool and update your photos every 12 weeks. Set a reminder and log on to every 12 weeks to upload your current photos. Depending on the degree of hair loss and how long it has been occurring, the protocol required use time is recommended. Please know that most clients see improvements within the first 12 weeks of consistent use. The longer you utilize the protocol the more positive results you will see.

Time Frames to Utilize Protocol

Females: Hair Loss Scale 1-7

Losing hair for: Required protocol use time:
Less than 3 months for 6 months
3 – 6 months for 12 months
6 – 12 months for 12 months
1-2 years for 18 months
More than 2 years for 24 months

Females: Hair Loss Scale 8 and Frontal

Losing hair for: Required protocol use time:
Less than 3 months for 12 months
3 – 6 months for 18 months
6 – 12 months for 18 months
1-2 years for 24 months
More than 2 years for 24 months

Males: Hair Loss Scale I, II, II-A, III, III-A, III-vertex

Losing hair for: Required protocol use time:
Less than 3 months for 6 months
3 – 6 months for 12 months
6 – 12 months for 18 months
1-2 years for 18 months
More than 2 years for 24 months

Males Hair Loss Scale: IV, IV-A, V, V-A, VI, VII

Losing hair for: Required protocol use time:
Less than 3 months for 12 months
3 – 6 months for 18 months
6 – 12 months for 24 months
1-2 years for 24 months
More than 2 years for 24 months